Um, 2014 — where did you go!!??
Does anyone else feel like the last few months of 2014 struck faster than lightning? I certainly do!
In my recovery from that blur, I’ve been thinking about the important daily habits and routines that kept me sane throughout the rest of the year—that incidentally dropped off my radar during the end-of-year festive-flurry! It’s little wonder we all hit January 1 with a lovely list of goals, promises for improvement and resolutions for the New Year!
Through my mid-January contemplation, I’ve decided I’m going to mix things up a little. Instead of setting goals and New Years resolutions, I’ve compiled a checklist of ‘My 5 SUPER SIMPLE Daily Habits’.
That way, when the busy period sets in at the end of this year, I’ll be armed. That is, armed with 5 daily habits to keep me in charge of my life!
Here’s how I came up with my list…
I thought about what SUPER SIMPLE, non-time-consuming day-to-day tasks make me feel really productive, inspired, energetic and ready to deliver my best!
Super simple day-to-day things like:
- Cleaning down my desk every day so I start fresh the next day
- Having a laugh or sharing a funny story with my team
- Making a morning “to-do” list
- Jumping on my favourite design blog to get inspired
- Connecting with each other as a team – catching up on everyday life
- Burning a candle on my desk – smells inspire too!
- Meditating
- Making a pot of tea and sharing it with the team
- Walking into a clean and uncluttered office
- Stepping outside for lunch or to grab a coffee
- Making a delicious, healthy lunch
- Drawing/doodling/journalling/reflecting
So these seem like pretty achievable things right? But you’d be surprised how simply they slip in periods of busyness. It’s funny how it’s the simplest things that we need most in our day-to-day work life to keep us sane—because it’s these habits that reinforce consistency and order.
From my brainstormed list, I selected my most important five and pinned them to my office wall so I can refer to them daily.
(I’ll keep my full list handy too so I remember to do the other tasks at least once every couple of days!)
This was a great exercise and I am already excited to continue implementing it!
What super simple day-to-day tasks will you do in 2015 to keep you happy, inspired and productive in your business? I’d love to hear them—leave a comment below.

Co-owner of Verve Design, Teegan’s 12+ years of experience in design and marketing, and her love of mindfulness and meditation brings strategy with intention and creativity with purpose.