I have a confession to make. When I was a child, I loved to rearrange my room. That doesn’t sound so strange, does it? Believe me, though: this went well beyond just tidying up! Instead, I redesigned the entire layout of my room, including changing the colours and deciding on the placement of all of my favourite things. It used to drive my parents crazy when they’d hear me dragging furniture across the floor and toppling over bookshelves! Now, as an adult, I realise…
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A few years ago, before I owned a business, I thought the concept of meditation was a little woo-woo/hippy. I didn’t imagine it being useful in my life. Even as I recommended meditation to an old boss as a way to calm some of the stress he was going through, I didn’t know how powerful it could be – I realise now how naively I suggested it, not truly understanding its transformative abilities! Once I became a business owner, I finally took my own…
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The topic of values, and how they impact our lives, is a popular one today – and for good reason! Not only are our values a foundation for how we live, they also can do the same for how we work, and how we connect with customers. It’s pretty basic, really – incorporating your values into your branding, as well as the way you operate your business, will align your business with likeminded people. Likeminded people are more likely to buy from you, and…
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You’ve just launched a fabulous business and can’t wait to hit the ground running – but wait, you need a logo! There are tonnes of online sources for free or cheap logos and other branding, which can be very tempting. As we all know, though, what seems too good to be true usually is, and one of our past clients found this out the hard way. My heart really went out to this client when she contacted us needing a high-quality version of her logo…
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Anyone who knows me well knows I go on (and on and on...) about "brand consistency at every touchpoint." And for good reason: every interaction with your customer should feel familiar with the last interaction they had with you. But what do you do when you have to represent your brand to your audience through a third party’s brand? So, there’s your beautiful brand, sitting on or alongside another logo and another brand – and in most ways it doesn’t feel like it matches…
Read MoreNetworking has never really been my thing. And I could never quite figure out why… I mean I LOVE people. I love TALKING to people and hearing their stories. I enjoy meeting new people and forming lasting relationships. I like helping people and suggesting ideas. And I love to collaborate with people who hold common interests. I was the child in the playground who would walk up to a complete stranger and make friends with them instantly. I’ve never been afraid of talking to…
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Today, I had a moment with a client talking about her logo design in our Townsville studio that I’ll never forget. This client has just sold a very successful business of hers and is moving into a new business venture. We were in a brand consultation; talking excitedly about logo design ideas for her new (super cool) business venture and she mentioned that while running her previous business, she always wanted to use our design services... but because she already had a logo and…
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When I first started my career as a graphic designer, I was eager to learn all the tricks of the trade. I would watch the other designers in the studio curiously; taking in the conversations they would have day-to-day with clients and seeing how they would turn a problem around so it would have a really favourable outcome—and be an ongoing solution. It truly fascinated me that designers were problem solvers. And it still fascinates me today! It was something that was not taught…
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I’ve had some wonderful jobs throughout my career and worked for some very motivated and inspiring people. But I've also worked in environments which were the exact opposite of what I believed in. I decided to venture into the world of running my own business for one main reason - My Values, in particular - having a brand with values. I desperately wanted to create my own inspiring environment that I felt aligned with everything I believed in. Have you been there? Have you…
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