Today, I had a moment with a client talking about her logo design in our Townsville studio that I’ll never forget.
This client has just sold a very successful business of hers and is moving into a new business venture.
We were in a brand consultation; talking excitedly about logo design ideas for her new (super cool) business venture and she mentioned that while running her previous business, she always wanted to use our design services… but because she already had a logo and brand designed, she never had the courage to change.
This beautiful, warm and happy soul lowered her voice when she started talking about the logo of her old business.
She looked crowded and uncomfortable—like there was a serious weight on her shoulders.
‘Every time I walked into my business and looked up at my sign to see my logo, I had to cover my eyes and quickly walk inside—I couldn’t look at it. It haunted me!’ she said.
She went on to explain how she got the logo done quickly when she first opened the business. But she never really liked it. That was eight years ago and she said she still can’t look at that logo with pride.
This shocked me! It shocked me to the core.
She was being bullied… By her LOGO!!
Immediately I thought, ‘What’s going on here? How could such a strong and successful business women feel this way about a business that she had built from scratch?’
Shocking right?!
You know what—it’s not okay to feel bullied by your logo.
Just like we have a choice when we’re stuck in a bad situation or emotional struggle, we have a choice about how we want our brand and business to FEEL.
If your logo is not making you feel immense joy, it’s not giving you permission to believe and follow through with the core desires you have for your business.
If your logo is pushing you into a corner of insecurity, you’ll likely find yourself in a place of financial and emotional turmoil… leading you to want to quit, end it or sell. (Dramatic much? Never!)
But in all honesty, if your logo is not making you feel excited, energised and proud of what you’ve created, then your logo is being a downright bully!
My client today had been through all of this.
The logo that was created in a rush eight years ago was the first of many woes that caused her to feel overwhelmed and emotionally drained in the running of her small business. ( Read more here about some tips to prevent you from signing off on a logo that’s going to be trouble).
The thing is, this is not how your logo should make you feel.
Instead, you should:
-Look at it and LOVE it.
-Feel as if you have arrived at a place of inspiration and feel energised to give more.
-Be so very proud and want to shout it, plaster it and stick it to every surface. Because it’s uniquely YOU!
This is what you and your business deserve.
I want to tell you it’s okay to say to yourself, ‘I want to feel better about my logo and brand’.
It’s okay to admit that it’s time for a change and time to re-brand!
Do it. Face up to that logo bully and prove it wrong!! You’re strong enough!
Okay. End of inspirational speech. Back to the story.
I left this consult today feeling a surge of emotions.
I felt a sense of sadness and frustration, because no one should ever feel like that about their logo.
But also excitement and inspiration, because at Verve, we are so passionate about effective branding and I know the service we offer is first-class when it comes to identifying your brand personality and creating a logo that you absolutely LOVE!
Because this consult rocked me so much, it’s made me want to reach out to anyone who is feeling this way and offer a FREE 15 minute discovery consultation. Contact us to book.
Or if you have a friend who’s feeling this way about their logo—go ahead and share this post with them by clicking the share button below!

Co-owner of Verve Design, Teegan’s 12+ years of experience in design and marketing, and her love of mindfulness and meditation brings strategy with intention and creativity with purpose.