Networking has never really been my thing. And I could never quite figure out why… I mean I LOVE people. I love TALKING to people and hearing their stories. I enjoy meeting new people and forming lasting relationships. I like helping people and suggesting ideas. And I love to collaborate with people who hold common interests. I was the child in the playground who would walk up to a complete stranger and make friends with them instantly. I’ve never been afraid of talking to…
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I’ve recently moved house. (I can almost hear sighs of anguish as you empathise with what I’ve just been through… thank you!!) Let’s just be honest from the outset and agree that no one enjoys moving. It requires us to sort, purge, pack, lift, sweat, organise, clean, unpack, re-organise, and clean some more—and unless you’re one of those crazy, housework-loving people, the prospect of moving is enough to make you want to find a great big (comfortable) rock to crawl underneath and hide. In…
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As the calendar ticked over this month, into the new financial year in Australia, I reflected on how the past 12 months has been strangely beautiful. I feel like I’ve grown a lot in my business over the transition of these last four seasons, more than I ever have in the past four years - and it’s all come down to consciously choosing to go at a slower pace in my business and enjoying the efforts of my hard work. In January, at the…
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Have you ever looked at someone’s brand and thought, ‘Man, that business has got their sh#% together! How did they do that? How does their brand look so polished and so uniquely them!?’ The reason they ‘have it all together’ is because they’ve thought about their brand as a ‘whole’ persona. Successful brands know that their brand isn’t just about their logo. They know that it’s all about a business’s ‘personality’ and ‘unique look’ coming together through every touchpoint: your website, your social media,…
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In April, we moved into our new office space at the top of Denham Street. What we love most about the space is that it's completely surrounded by nature - which is perfect for creativity and ideas! We don't want to keep all of this goodness to ourselves though... So we've decided to share this beautiful space with a very special entrepreneur! Inside our open plan design studio is a private studio space which is light-filled, quiet and peaceful. We're putting the call out to anyone who might be interested…
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I’ve put off taking a holiday while running a business… well… since I’ve owned a business. Sure, I’ve taken small, weekly trips here and there but I’ve never carved out a block of time - four weeks to be exact - away from my baby. The truth is, you don’t think anyone can operate your business as well as you. ...or so I thought. Up until 12 months ago, I was afraid that if I ever took a decent holiday, that things would quickly…
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As a team, we’ve spent the last few Saturday mornings having our eyes opened and our hands trained in the wonderful and complex art of watercolour. The experience came off the back of an out-of-the-box Christmas gift to the Verve team from our fearless leader, Teegan, who was eager to gift the team with something practical, creative, challenging, and diverse! When physical gifts seemed so typical and ill-fitting, she decided a gift experience was the way to go! Our watercolour workshops ran over four…
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Confession time: I love lists. I write at least three lists in a day for all sorts of different things. At the start of everyday, you’ll find me writing a list of tasks and projects I need to complete (and in what order of importance). I’ll also often write a list for the groceries I need to buy, of the chores I need to do when I get home, of the books I need to read, of my favourite blogs or websites, of things…
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If you followed us on Instagram or Facebook last week you would have picked up some hints that we ‘painted' our office mural. And by ‘painted’ I mean we covered up the office in plastic sheets and threw buckets of colourful paint at a wall!!! Yikes!! It was exhilarating, exciting, fun, and very playful (not to mention a little messy!) Like any creative process - the planning stages are the most important, and this is the secret recipe to creative success. In planning any…
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This blog goes out to all the savvy entrepreneurs out there who are embarking on the epic journey that is, ‘having an online presence’. First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Being online means your business now has the potential for worldwide exposure! However, just because you have a website, doesn’t mean it’s going to be viewed by hundreds and thousands of people - let alone the right people who fall within the specific target demographic of your product or service. And when you’ve invested so much time,…
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